Living on Borrowed Time

Living on Borrowed Time

Are you thankful that you woke up this morning?The expression ‘living on borrowed time’, is used when a person lives past their expected lifespan. The truth is that we are all on borrowed time. G-d lends us our soul each morning and tells us to please treat the day as...
The Secret of Harmonious Relations with the In-Laws

The Secret of Harmonious Relations with the In-Laws

The opening story of this week’s Torah portion gives some important wisdom in dealing with awkward in-law relationships. Yitro was a very powerful personality. He was a leader, a scholar and a mystic. When Moses became Yitro’s son-in-law, he was a fugitive...
Rotten Growth

Rotten Growth

Sometimes I wake up on the wrong side of the bed.  It happens on occasion that without warning, in the middle of a day, I find myself off kilter, something is not feeling right.  I can’t seem to put my finger on it.  If I dig deep, I can often put...
Land of the Free…

Land of the Free…

Adapted from the writings of Rabbi YY Jacobson based on the Maharal’s teachingsWe are blessed to live in the United States where we can celebrate our Judaism. However, the Jewish people are still in exile. Jews have been celebrating Passover, their freedom,...