The Importance of a Good Cry

The Importance of a Good Cry

With anxiety, depression and a whole host of mental health challenges plaguing so many, any helpful tool is worth sharing. But is crying a helpful tool? Does expressing pent-up emotions have value? In today’s share-it-all culture, one might wonder if we have gone too...
The 603,550th Jew

The 603,550th Jew

In Hebrew, it’s called Bamidbar (“In the Desert”) and also Sefer HaPekudim (“The Book of the Countings”); in the English-speaking world, this is the biblical section known as “Numbers.” And yes, there are many, many numbers in the fourth of...
The Secret to A Better Relationship

The Secret to A Better Relationship

One of my favorite lines is, “as a Chabad Rabbi, my job is to make the uncomfortable, comfortable, and to make the comfortable, uncomfortable”. See what I mean below. The secret to personal growth is dealing with the dead. No, that wasn’t a typo,...
Make It As Permanent As A Tattoo

Make It As Permanent As A Tattoo

You shall not etch a tattoo on yourselves. I am the L-rd. Leviticus 19:28 Q: I have a tattoo, can I be buried in a Jewish cemetery? A: In years past, some burial societies had their own covenants (not required by Jewish law) that they wouldn’t bury tattooed...