About Indiana Jewish Discovery Center
Learn more about what we do, why we do it, and why you would love to get involved.
who WE ARE
Rabbi Mendel and Fraidel Schusterman moved to Indianapolis in January of 2001 with their oldest child to do activities with the local Chabad. They were soon joined by 9 other Hoosier born children ka”h. In November of 2017, they opened their new center (currently run out of their home) to reach out to their Jewish brethren under the name, The Indiana Jewish Discovery Center.
what WE DO
We provide the Jewish community with their needs both material and spiritual. Do you know someone who needs a meal? Do you or your child want to study Torah or learn how to read Hebrew or even learn how to make Challah? Do you need a Mezuzah, Teffilin or Chanukah Candles?
More specifically, we Provide:
- Shabbat Dinners
- Taste of Shabbat
- Educational Programs
- Social Events
- Women’s Programming
- Traveling Hebrew School
- Holiday Programs
- Rosh Hashanah Celebration with multiple Shofar blowings
- Taste of Rosh Hashanah
- Sukkot Family Experience
- Chanukah Parties with Menorah lighting ceremonies
- Purim programming
- Shmurah Matzah distribution
- Lag B’Omer Bonfire and Picnic
- Shavuot all-night study and Ten Commandment Ice Cream Party
- Targeted Outreach to Israeli Hoosiers
- Targeted Outreach to Russian Jewish Hoosiers
- Inculcating a love of the Land of Israel
- Chicago-Connect Kosher Food Delivery
- End-of-Life Spiritual Counseling to Unaffiliated Jews
- Bar and Bat Mitvahs for Unaffiliated Families
- Private, Individualized Adult Classes
- Focused outreach to the Fishers/Noblesville Jewish Families
- Above programming focused on Seniors
All Community Services Continue through Rain, Shine, Natural Disasters and pandemics(heaven forbid) .
It is our core belief that every person has a mission to accomplish here in this world. We are all a part of something much larger than ourselves, and every individual plays an essential role in the totality of the world. Predicated on the Mitzvah “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” at the Indiana Jewish Discovery Center we seek to imbue a sense of Jewish identity and belonging by creating a warm and open environment. We engage everyone at their own pace and comfort level through innovative, educational programs in all areas of Jewish life.The Indiana Jewish Discovery Center is dedicated to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, his guidance and teachings.

The underlying principle that the Rebbe taught is genuine love for and unquestioning acceptance of every Jew.
We believe that Jews are Jews, regardless of affiliation or personal level of observance. We have no “check list” for knowledge, observance, beliefs or lifestyles of the people who attend our programs. Everyone is welcome!
We are founded on the principle that, while Jews embrace many levels of observance in their personal lives, there should be a place for all Jews – no labels and no affiliations – to develop a sense of community, to enhance the experience of being Jewish, to learn and have fun.
Our purpose is to uplift, teach, and inspire Jews, to help identify with the beauty and richness of our heritage. There is no commitment involved – just an opportunity to explore and be enriched.
The Indiana Jewish Discovery Center is a home where Judaism becomes alive, current and exciting. All Jews are welcome, no matter the affiliation, denomination or lifestyle. Our vision is to create an organization with open doors to Jews of all backgrounds and to infuse our generation of leaders with Jewish pride, internalizing all they learn and experience in order to lead meaningful lives.