Getting to Know G-d at the Rock Slide

Getting to Know G-d at the Rock Slide

As a last summer hurrah, we took the kids to Tallulah Gorge Sliding Rock.  If you’ve been to Talulah gorge, after crossing the suspension bridge you go down a couple of hundred steps until you get to the base of the gorge.  That’s just the beginning of the journey....
My Flat Tire and the Huge, Intimidating World

My Flat Tire and the Huge, Intimidating World

So, this week on Tuesday, I was driving back from NY to Indy in my 15 passenger van with my wife and 6 of our children. We started out about a quarter to 4am leaving from Brooklyn. All was well and we were making good timing. We would have arrived in Indy about 6:30...
The Wrecking Bar

The Wrecking Bar

I always thought it was a wrecking ball, but apparently there is a wrecking bar too. We just called it a crow bar. Anyway, it’s used to remove nails, or do some serious damage. If you do damage to repair; eg. break a hole in a wall to install some new plumbing or...