Revealed Concealment

Revealed Concealment

It’s catchy, “every revelation is a concealment, every concealment is a revelation”. And it’s also very deep.Like the loudest attention seeking person at the party, is hiding some deep insecurity.   And like the parent who doesn’t smother the child or give...

Q: What is the difference between ignorance and apathy? A: I don’t know and I don’t care – source unknownAnimals can be broken down into three groups: those that benefit mankind, those that harm mankind and those that seem irrelevant to mankind.The...
Pay the Piper

Pay the Piper

I know you’ve always wanted to know where this phrase came from. Well, thank you Reb Shmoogle. ” The phrase comes from the fable of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. According to the myth, a piper was hired to clear out the rats from the village of Hamelin. After he did so...
Knowing Your Place

Knowing Your Place

Would you hire a plumber to do your taxes? A lawyer to fix your leak? Of course not!  it is not an attack on either profession, it is simply a practical response to your need and how to best have the matter resolved. In life, you need plumbers and lawyers and...
Looking Deeper than the Surface

Looking Deeper than the Surface

In Parsha Vayigash, Joseph, the viceroy of Egypt, reveals himself to his brothers who had sold him into slavery twenty-two years earlier. Joseph understood that even though his brothers had acted badly, they were not the ultimate ones who brought him to Egypt. He knew...