Knowing Your Place

Knowing Your Place

Would you hire a plumber to do your taxes? A lawyer to fix your leak? Of course not!  it is not an attack on either profession, it is simply a practical response to your need and how to best have the matter resolved. In life, you need plumbers and lawyers and...
Looking Deeper than the Surface

Looking Deeper than the Surface

In Parsha Vayigash, Joseph, the viceroy of Egypt, reveals himself to his brothers who had sold him into slavery twenty-two years earlier. Joseph understood that even though his brothers had acted badly, they were not the ultimate ones who brought him to Egypt. He knew...
What’s with All the Oil?

What’s with All the Oil?

Granted the oil is a big deal in the Chanukah story, but do we really need all the extra calories?! And there is more to the story than oil. In fact the word Chanukah is a combination of two Hebrew words, Chanu – Ch which means they rested (chanu) on the 25th Chaf...
The Ups and Downs of Chanukah

The Ups and Downs of Chanukah

Although you may see Menorah’s in Public places and in front windows, the actual instruction of our Sages is that the Mezuzah is placed on the right and the Menorah on the left so that we are surrounded by Mitzvos. According to Kaballah there is something else at play...
A Woman’s Persuasion

A Woman’s Persuasion

“And [Jacob] arose during that night, and he took his two wives, his two maidservants, and his eleven children, and he crossed the ford of the Jabbok [stream].” — Genesis 32:23 “But where was [Jacob’s daughter] Dinah? [Jacob] put her into a...
Don’t Say Oy Vey

Don’t Say Oy Vey

A few days ago, the 4 month old baby of the Chabad representatives in St. Thomas fell into the water and passed away. Mrs. Henya Federman – the mother jumped into the water to save her baby and got stuck. She is currently in critical condition and we...